Sunday, April 23, 2006

On Oil

Christopher Taylor, whose comments We appreciate, has a very informative post on oil and oil prices. We learned many things, and We suggest it be read. We most heartily agree with the reduction of taxes on oil so that gas prices can be reduced.

inna naHnu-l-a'lam.


At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CNET News had a very interesting series of articles on power from animal waste
That coincided with the diesel from pig shit story Ace ran a few weeks back.

There have been alternatives to gas for quite some time, the problem being that the cost of gas was too low to make them viable. Now that gas is getting more expensive, the cost of these alternatives is becoming viable.

One of the things we have to be on the watch for in this energy crunch, is the penchant for our social engineering friends to start to mess around. The car has been the symbol of American freedom for a century now. The car gives Americans the ultimate freedom to vote with their feet, and thus escape onerous governments (and transportation unions). The lefties want to curtail that freedom. So they'll resist efforts to repeal gas taxes, AND efforts to open new sources of oil. Its more than just "protecting the environment" its really about controlling you, because you're too stupid to know whats best for you.

As for us NorthEasterners using oil to heat our houses, well that's changing. First, in Westchester (NY) and I believe throuhout the state, they're forcing homeowners to remove their in-ground oil tanks. Oil tank leaks are ridiculously expensive to clean up and most home owner's insurance policies don't cover them anymore. (The Mrs. and I passed on a nice house becaue our inspection found a leaking tank.)
Above ground tanks are too small for efficency, and prone to corrosion, so people have to switch to gas, if their area has been plumbed for it.

If the Republicans don't use this issue to force through ANWR, refineries and more Nuclear power as part of a comprehensive energy reform package, to say nothing about putting up that wind farm in front of Teddy's house, they'll deserve to loose in November.

At 9:25 PM, Blogger Christopher R Taylor said...

I like Ethanol, its a nice American farmer-helping alternative to oil and seems like a good product.

But seriously, we've been using the same internal combustion engine for over 100 years now with some refinements. It's time for a new engine.

And flying cars.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Christopher R Taylor said...

By the way, thank you for the link, this is one blog I check every day and it always has something interesting and informative to offer, you are an asset to the blogosphere, Muslihoon.

At 2:20 PM, Blogger Christopher R Taylor said...

Odd, I thought it was! Thanks for pointing that out :)

At 3:52 PM, Blogger Reverse_Vampyr said...

I just discovered your blog today and enjoyed this post. Tried to link to it but couldn't find a trackback URL, so I just wanted to let you know I linked to you.


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